El Greco has been characterized by modern scholars as an artist so individual that he belongs to no conventional school.
A unique master. I love El Greco because he was different not only by being a foreigner all his life but by interpreting life around him by his own standards and not by the expectations of his time. He was a passionate rebel with a unique style.
El Greco is regarded as a precursor of both Expressionism and Cubism, while his personality and works were a source of inspiration for poets and writers such as Rainer Maria Rilke and Nikos Kazantzakis. El Greco has been characterized by modern scholars as an artist so individual that he belongs to no conventional school. He is best known for tortuously elongated figures and often fantastic or phantasmagorical pigmentation, marrying Byzantine traditions with those of Western painting.
source Wikipedia
A great article on his work and how he influenced great 20th c. artists by the BBC.
I chose two extracts from the film El Greco that shows what a feisty, single minded. original and ruthlessly honest person El Greco was.