As I was reading today’s Daily Word from, I had a eureka moment, a moment of inspiration! 🙂
This time of year, I am not a happy bunny. It is not the weather per se that affects my mood, the colder and wetter season. I just feel tired. As we are going into the darkness, I feel less energized and interested. I don’t feel like buzzing or chatting much, I prefer staying put and watch a sweet movie.
I think it is normal for this time of year. However, I also noticed that I am not motivated to do the things that usually bring me pleasure or a sense of satisfaction. I lost my mojo.
After reading today’s daily word I was reminded the inspiration is everywhere. I only need to look. This time of year, I may not want to be a busy bunny but I can take the time to observe and find those instances that fill me with inspiration. I do not always have to create my own happiness. I can allow others ‘ happiness or the peace and contentment of nature to brush me over and fill me up.