The Perfect Relationship thru 8 FUN STEPS
The 8-STEPS Dating Agency is not an ordinary dating service. Though we aim to support our clients to find their right partners, our main mission is to guide you through an 8-STEP Relationship Path of self-discovery and to provide practical tips and fun events so you can create the kind of relationships you want for yourself.
‘The 8-STEPS Dating Coach’ Program of Agency helps you stop making mistakes of the modern dating world and attract your perfect mate.
Remember, that being attractive in the dating arena starts by having a positive attitude about yourself. Nobody is going to notice you in the world unless you feel worth being noticed.
‘The 8-STEPS Dating Coach Program’ will help you find your LOVABLE-YOU within that will enable you to engage in healthy and fulfilling relationships.
In this sense, this Dating Agency supports all – whether you are in a relationship or seek to be in a relationship – who wish to create relationships based on co-supporting, loving connection, real intimacy and awareness of self and the other.
Until you look into the mirror and see yourself clearly, you cannot see the other person. Until you are in touch with your own needs and love-language, you cannot notice that of the other.
A few tips to consider:
First of all, “people who are genuinely happy with their romantic choices spend more energy working on their own self-development than on appearing a certain way to attract love. Instead of focusing on playing the game to entice a partner,” why don’t you invest into finding out who you truly are, what makes you tick, what you truly want in a loving and intimate relationship and what practical steps you must do to create it.
It is also a must that “understand yourself, sexually and emotionally. If you have not done the work of understanding yourself you will likely enter romantic relationships from an emotionally dependent place. You may have the unrealistic hope that someone else will know how to understand you and make you happy—even when you yourself may not know. .. hoping others will intuitively perceive who you are emotionally and what you need sexually is a fantasy. ”
Also try to avoid ‘sextimacy’. ”Sextimacy is a cycle of working to achieve emotional intimacy through hastened sex. If you are hoping that a sexual relationship will eventually lead to a more emotionally intimate or committed relationship, cease and desist: Research shows relationships that start with sex before emotional intimacy is typically do not become committed unions.”
Finally, remember to keep on ‘putting yourself out there’. Don’t put yourselves in “arbitrary exile, where you feel sad and out of touch, while you are working on yourself. Do work on yourself through developing greater emotional and sexual self-awareness. At the same time, you need new relationships with romantic partners and friends to truly know yourself.
Each experience provides you with in-the-moment information about your preferences, weaknesses and strengths. If you continue to think and do the same things that you have always thought and experienced, you will remain stuck. Your brain has an extraordinary ability to adapt and grow, challenge yourself. Perhaps there are things that you like or have wanted to try but have been afraid to do so. Work through the anxiety and put yourself in novel situations where you may meet different kinds of people and experience other aspects of your personality.”
The above text is based on the article source below