Unity, a positive path for spiritual living”
We teach everyday spiritual wisdom for conscious living and global transformation.
“Encouraging our children”
The wolf will live with the lamb,
the leopard will lie down with the goat,
the calf and the lion and the yearling together;
and a little child will lead them. Isaiah 11:6
When I was a child, I did not have much say in my upbringing and my education. Adults around me decided everything for me. The kind of individual I was did not matter. It was all about being moulded, to become part of the grey mess of invisible people. My family’s and educators’ main job was to make sure that I would fit in.
Throughout my career, I have worked with children from different cultures as an educator. I have also worked with their parents. As a result, I have created and run different types of educational programs around the world discussing with parents and educators how to raise children and young people in a way that respects their unique individuality and involves them fully.
When I started training at Unity to become a Minister, I knew that I would want to work in Youth and Family Ministry. As a minister in training, I soon learned that in mainstream education, there is one very important element missing: we do not seem to consider the ‘the Divine element’. We train kids to be clever and how to be successful in the world, but we often forget to invite them to realise who or what lives in the core of their being. There is not true happiness without being able to connect with the source of All that we call the Divine Presence in Unity.
It soon became my mission to engage as many children and parents as possible in realising and embracing our Divinity, as the source of our genuine sense of satisfaction in Life. The never ceasing Divine Presence that embraces us just as we are at any given moment in time, is the highest form of Love. Every child should know that s/he is Loved no matter what.
Rev Ildiko Kudlik, Licensed Minister, Europe
Does this sound exciting to you? Would you like to help build and grow this new Youth and Family Ministry? If so, go to the bottom of this page and get in touch with me. THANK YOU!
The main purpose of the UNITY Youth and Family Ministry is to foster Divine Creativity in youth – so they can create a life that is in alignment with their deepest selves and the Divine. This enables collaboration with the Divine in parenting, giving parents the tools to support their youngsters. The online UNITY Youth and Family Ministry will be available to any child, teen, or youth and their parents across the UK and European time zones.
The main activities of the UNITY Youth and Family Ministry are:
- to teach everyday spiritual wisdom for conscious living and global transformation by providing spiritual and self-educational programs
- to support youth and parents to create a loving bond by recognizing the Presence of the Divine in their relationships
- to support both parties to gain deeper awareness of themselves and the Unique Divine Presence in them by using creative and artistic tools
- to educate parents to use creative Divine ideas in raising and supporting their children
So, why am I writing this post apart from introducing you to our great plans?
It is because I would like to ask for your support.
I am endeavouring to create a spiritual centre that will host the UNITY Youth and Family Ministry. I need a Board of Directors who will serve the Ministry to ensure that our work is aligned with UNITY’s principles. Are you interested in joining me on the Board and journeying with me on this project? Please get in touch with me at the contact details below.
Finally, I seek financial support so we can put down the foundations and run the Ministry until it becomes self-sufficient. we would like to raise 10,000 (ten thousand) US dollars.
If you are open to help financially, please get in touch with me at the contact details below.
My hope and dream is that I can make a difference in people’s lives by offering meaningful and Spirit-led teachings and guidance.
Find some of my writing on different spiritual themes on this LINK (CLICK)
UNITY’S FIVE BASIC PRINCIPLES for spiritual living
- There is only one Presence and one Power active in the Universe. The Divine Presence is Good.
- Our essence is of the Divine; therefore we are inherently good.
- Mind Action – We are co-creators with the Divine, creating reality through thoughts held in Mind.
- Affirmative Prayer – Through prayer and meditation, we align our heart-mind with the Divine. Denials and affirmations are tools we use.
- Living the Truth – Through thoughts, words, and actions, we live the Truth we know.
Some thoughts on UNITY and SPIRITUALITY
My name is Rev. Ildiko Kudlik. Originally, I am a creative-educator who integrates the Divine’s absoluteness into her work. I am also a licensed Unity Minister who is working towards her ordination. I am in the process of setting up a Unity Spiritual Centre with the main intention to create a Youth and Family Ministry for the entire European Union.
What is Unity?
In my understanding, Unity offers tools for discovering the indwelling Spirit of the Divine and practices for daily spiritual living.
Though we call our spiritual centre a Ministry, we do not have tenets or dogmas to teach or to follow. We follow the 5 basic principles in Unity – pls see above -, and we offer two unique tools: a five-step meditation process and an affirmative prayer. Other that that it is based on the professional background of the individual minister what kinds of tools they may offer to support the spiritual unfoldment of the members of their centre. For example, the minister who is also an Art-therapist may offers artistic tools to his/her members.
I am trained coach, artist and educators so I run different spirit filled classes and artsy educational programs for our members in order to ensure that your spiritual unfoldment is done in a fun and creative way.
The different educational and creative programs I offer all have an element of
Divine Spark in them, too.
Approaches to spirituality
In general, there are three different ways to approach spirituality: Mystical, that for example Sufism offers, Soul Transcendence that for example San Mat offers, or Metaphysical that Unity offers.
Personally, I am drawn to all three of them. They offer different tools and practices to connect with the Divine Presence.
Unity, Christianity and the Bible
Unity is not a christian church but a spiritual movement whose roots are somewhat linked with Christian ideas. For example, in Unity, we are taught that the Bible’s events are the story of man’s unfoldment. Essentially, the resurrection story is our story. In his book Keep a True Lent, Charles Fillmore, the Co-Founder of Unity, wrote, “Every time we rise to the realization of eternal, indwelling life, making union with the Father-Mind (the Divine), the Resurrection of Jesus takes place within us. I encourage you to embrace the personal significance of the resurrection journey and the work and life of Jesus Christ.”
Every major spiritual teacher like Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, Krishna, and other has a story to tell us. They all taught the same lesson: The lesson of Love. They all talked about the same ‘God’ or Divine Being who Loves us unconditionally. This is the core truth of all religions and that of Unity Movement as well.
Connection instead of separation
Unity, similar toy other spiritual organisation offers teachings and guidance. We embrace all the spiritual teachings that talk about connecting and unifying humanity under one Divine Source. We welcome people of all faith who are open to embrace our common spiritual ancestry and use it for our upliftment and benefit.
At the Unity Spiritual Centre in Europe, we simply wish to serve people who feel drawn to what we do. We do not want people to believe in anything other than themselves and the All-Good Divine Presence. We wish to support people into a unique and personal connection to the Divine. We use certain tools that works for us. We hope that what we offer works for you. If it does not, we encourage you to keep on looking and find what does.
Walking with the Divine
In my view, Life is made in co-creation with the Divine Being – that is called many names from God to Allah – whether we are aware of it or not. When we consciously allow the Divine to guide us our Life gets lighter. At the same time, we are responsible for the creation of our life because we are given free will to decide what course of action to take. We should use this gift wisely.
God or the Divine is not a person. The Divine Being or Divine Presence is an energy source that encompasses all there is the Universe. I also believe – and this is also my experience – that a spark of the Divine’s resides inside of us all in the form of unique features and abilities. We are made up of various layers that is exciting to investigate. If we wish to meet this unique spark of the Divine’s within ourselves, we need to remove the debris what stands in between.
The Ego uses our one-of-a-kind attributions to protect itself and with that it lives in separation from the Essence of our being and of the Divine. Our exceptional intelligence is employed to defend a fearful and wounded Ego-self. As we release our fears and misconceptions of ourselves and that of the world, we start recovering the special qualities of the Soul – our unique spark of the Divine – that is to inspire and contribute. As we mature in our spiritual evolution, we start fully living our Divine-Self delighting ourselves and the Divine in the meantime.