
At the 2008 Serious Play conference, designer Tim Brown talks about the powerful relationship between creative thinking and play — with many examples you can try at home (and one that maybe you shouldn’t).

Feel your feelings

In this video, you will learn how to name feelings and locate, describe, welcome and match sensations. You will also discover what wisdom your emotions have to offer.

Interview PODCAST

Introduction to self-love

How I integrated self-knowledge in my work and uncovered my passion

Chat on healthy boundaries and practical tools to set healthy boundaries; how to love self under any circumstances.

how to help those who cannot help themselves


Final chat and closing.

El Sistema

Jose Antonio Abreu is the charismatic founder of a youth orchestra system that has transformed thousands of kids’ lives in Venezuela. Here he shares his amazing story and unveils a TED Prize wish that could have a big impact in the US and beyond.

Watch this video to learn more about the program

Jose Antonio Abreu

Jose Antonio Abreu founded El Sistema (“the system”) in 1975 to help poor Venezuelan kids learn to play a musical instrument and be part of an orchestra. 30 years on, El Sistema has seeded 102 youth orchestras — and many happy lives.


Is your right-brain turned on?

What is Right-brain thinking?
Two Ways of Knowing

Betty Edwards has used the terms L-Mode and R-Mode to designate two ways of knowing and seeing – the verbal, analytic mode and the visual, perceptual mode – no matter where they are located in the individual brain. You are probably aware of these different characteristics. L-mode is a step-by-step style of thinking, using words, numbers and other symbols. L-mode strings things out in sequences, like words in a sentence. R-mode on the other hand, uses visual information and processes, not step-by-step, but all at once, like recognizing the face of a friend.

“You have two brains: a left and a right. Modern brain scientists now know that your left brain is your verbal and rational brain; it thinks serially and reduces its thoughts to numbers, letters and words… Your right brain is your non-verbal and intuitive brain; it thinks in patterns, or pictures, composed of ‘whole things,’ and does not comprehend reductions, either numbers, letters, or words.” From The Fabric of Mind, by the eminent scientist and neurosurgeon, Richard Bergland. Viking Penguin, Inc., New York 1985. pg.1

Source Betty Edwards

The healing power of colours

The writer of this article – please find link below – have spent countless hours researching the topic of ‘the healing powers of colours’. I chose a few bits, my favourite ones, to share here with you.

Wassilly Kandinsky, Blue Mountain, oil, 76-3/8″ x 51″. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY.

Chromotherapy – Healing with Color

Several ancient cultures, including the Egyptians and Chinese, practiced chromotherapy — using colors to heal. Chromotherapy is sometimes referred to as light therapy or colourology and is still used today as a holistic or alternative treatment.

Little Known Facts About Color

The first known theory of color was developed by Aristotle who believed it was sent by God from heaven through celestial rays of light. He suggested that all colors came from white and black and related them to the four elements – water, air, earth, and fire. Surprisingly his beliefs on color were widely held for over 2,000 years until replaced by those of Newton.

It has been said that Leonardo da Vinci preferred to meditate in a lavender or purple-colored light.

Some 75 percent of small children choose purple over other colors.

Depending on our cultural background the significance of colors may vary significantly. While the color white is used in many Western countries to represent purity and innocence, it is seen as a symbol of mourning in many Eastern countries.
In the 1980’s, scientists found that painting jail cells with a Pepto-Bismol-like hue calmed aggressive inmates. The shade became known as “Drunk Tank Pink.”

To get the best color displayed on your LCD monitor, make sure to set it to 32-bit color. This measurement refers to color depth, which is the number of color values that can be assigned to a single pixel in an image. Color depth can range from 1 bit (black-and-white) to 32 bits (over 16.7 million colors).


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Different is good

In this podcast I talk about how a genius, someone with a higher level of awareness, can make a positive difference in the life of those around him. (Read some information on the circumstance of this performance below.)

Some facts

One of the most widely-circulated links after Prince’s death was a video of his induction to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2004.

It sees Prince joining an all-star version of the Beatles’ While My Guitar Gently Weeps, backed by Tom Petty, Steve Winwood and George Harrison’s son, Dhani. He keeps to the sidelines until the final two minutes, when he steps forward to deliver one of the most breathtaking guitar solos you’ve ever seen, full of fluttering high notes and ringing harmonics.

Amazingly, Prince never rehearsed this moment with the band. At a run-through the night before it was Jeff Lynne’s guitarist, Marc Mann, who took the solo.

“Prince doesn’t say anything, just starts strumming, plays a few leads here and there, but for the most part, nothing memorable,” recalled Joel Gallen, who directed the ceremony.

But when the big moment came, Prince stole the show. At one point, he turned to face Petty and Harrison, then fell backwards into the audience – while still playing – before strutting off stage, throwing his guitar into the air before the song ended.

“You see me nodding at him, to say, ‘Go on, go on,'” Petty told the New York Times. “I remember I leaned out at him at one point and gave him a ‘This is going great!’ kind of look.

“He just burned it up. You could feel the electricity of ‘something really big’s going down here.'”

Prince later claimed he had never even heard the song before it was sent to him to learn for the performance.


A rajzolás stresszkezelő és boldogság-érzet elősegitő hatása

A alábbi cikk részleteket a Nőklapjaa Pszichologia-ban találtam. A cikk irója stresszoldó légzés-tecnika oktató. Kipróbáltam, tényleg jó! )

Én azonban, művészeti önkifejezé stresszoldó és boldogság-érzet erősitő hatásáról szeretnék irni. De lássuk először, hogy Dr. Pavlovich mit ír.

Kisgyerek korom óta rajzolok es festegetek, de volt egy hozzú időszak az életemben, amikor egyáltalán nem rajzoltam. Ez volt eddigi életem legdepressziósabb és legstresszesebb időszaka.25 eves lehettem, amikor elkezdtem ismét visszatalálni a rajzolásoz.

Sokan, azért rajzolnak, hogy szép művészeti alkotásokat hozzanak létre. Gyakorolnak, órákat vesznek, és rakásra készitik a képeket. Ez szép dolog, azonban az önmagunk felé támasztott elvárások gyarkan több stresszt generálnak, mint amennyi örömöt lelünk a rajzolásban és festésben.

Amikor rajzolok én nem arra figyelek, hogy milyen szépre sikerül a rajzom, és vajon másnak tetszeni fog-e majd, hanem arrra, hogy a rajzolás közben ellazuljak, és egy gyermeki mentalitást felvéve, feltétel nélkül élvezzem, amit csinálok.

A készítés élvezete, a rajzolás monotonitása, a kellemes zene, a színek varázslata ellazít, kikapcsol, egy játékos világba repít. Szinte medítativ állapot ez, ahol nincsenek gondok, se szorongás, se szomorúság. Csak nyugalom és önfeled öröm van, mert az ember teljesen jelen van a művészet egész testet és lelket átjáró játékos folyamában.

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