“When I accept my humanity I can claim my divinity.” There is a very popular saying in Unity, “I am a spiritual being having human experiences.” It is the perfect reminder that I am not ‘only human’; I am of Spirit as well. Yet, living in such a fast-paced world, many feel isolated, alone, frightened; …”
Rev Kimerie Mapletoft – Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK
As I was reading Rev Kimerie’s thoughts – see above – I felt reminded of the ‘ separation’ we generate by not being aligned with our ‘greater self’, the living-loving spirit with in us, that is of the Divine or God (chose your word of preference).
I started to wonder what it is that I can all do to feel closer to the Divine not only in myself but also in others.
Rev Kimerie continues …
Yet the good news is that as we begin to accept our humanity, our foibles, mistakes and errors for what they are, our experience as human beings, learning and growing in a human body, we can move beyond identifying with these errors and claim our divinity. We will be able to say with joy that I am, and you are, a beautiful, creative, inspiring being; a blessing in the world.
The invitation, in all of this, is for every single one of us to accept our differences, our human mistakes and experiences, to help us see through and beyond them to Spirit that shines brightly within, whenever we open the door to this experience. As we accept our humanity, we can claim our divinity.
Rev Kimerie Mapletoft -Director of Silent Unity and Daily Word UK

How true! By honestly looking at my mistakes and flaws, I become aware of them. This awareness helps me embrace and love ALL OF ME: the silly-me, the hurry-scurry part of me, the arrogant-me, the scared-me, the fat-me, … And as I do that they start dissipating, kind of being removed from obscuring my connection with the Divine. As a result, not only do I become aware of the Greater-part of Me, but I am also enabled to see the Divine in others.
The separation that was created inside of me by looking for our differences and judging them in fear, disappears. I become free and let others to be free in themselves, too.

Read THOUGHT OF THE WEEK blogpost on UNITY UK website here (CLICK)
Picture sources:
Photo by Josh Marshall on Unsplash
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash
Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash