Mandala Making

Why create a Mandala? 

Regenerative and curative power – the meditative process helps to focus and open the heart to the healing power of unconditional love. 

Calming and relaxing effect – on the mind and body, thus focusing and strengthening the will to heal. 

Brings joy as it facilitates the healing of a sense of psychological fragmentation. 

Gives form to expression – to an intuitive insight into spiritual truth by releasing the inner light of the soul.

Source: Some of the text above is borrowed from Judith Cornell: Mandala Luminous Symbols for healing

“I love the spiritual aspect!
Fantastic! Thank you. I want to do more…

The Mandala Art process I practice was developed by Dr. Judith Cornell as a modern expression of ancient sacred arts, using a simple colouring technique with white and coloured pencils on black paper to create luminous symbols representing aspects of wholeness.

Healing Power of WHOLENESS Mandalas

The ultimate aim of these practices is Self-realisation – the recovery of one’s authentic Self (creating wholeness from fragmentation). The recovery of this Self, synonymous with enlightenment, is the mystical experiential knowing and remembering (…) that we are one with the Divine.

Dr Judit Cornell

Mandala – the Sanskrit word for “circle,” is a symbol of its creator’s absorption into a sacred centre.

Know Yourself Deeper Than Before

The sacred symbol of the mandala enabled me not only to find the healing power within myself but also to recover from a sense of psychological fragmentation. During the healing process. I came to experience and express mystical states of consciousness that, until then, had remained outside my grasp. Since that time I have taught the process of mandala making in workshops to hundreds of people, all of whom have created mandalas to facilitate their own physical or psychological healing and spiritual transformation.

Dr. Judith Cornell Mandala Luminous Symbols for healing


At this link you can watch videos that show how these MANDALAS are made. CLICK


No previous art experience or talent are required. These MANDALAS are not created for the ‘end product’ but for the joyous process as we are making them!

In this video I talk about why and how we make the WHOLNESS MANDALAS.

Following a workshop/a class on basic techniques for illuminating mandalas, participants can continue with creating heart centred mandalas for various Spiritual Qualities.