I talk about the difference between coaching and therapy and the benefits of employing therapeutic-art in the coaching process
I talk about the history of Art Therapy and the general benefits of Art Therapy
I now think that both anxiety and depression are distillation of earlier events into a pitcher of darkness filled with paralyzing fear. … It is like walking on an unknown land. Until you know the territory, you are afraid of falling into a trap.
So, what is art?
I talk about the importance of becoming honest with ourselves …
I talk about the difference between knowledge and experience …
I talk about how and why I use creativity and art in my coaching practice…
I talk about the importance of forgiveness from a personal point of view …
A personal account on my own struggle to end the war within as I try to become a pacifist …
… gondolatok, arról, hogy miért változtak meg a kurzusok, amiket tartok az évek során … hogy, miért használok játékos eszközöket a kurzusaim során … valamint arról, hogy miben segitenek ezek a programok …
…thoughts on how what I do have changed over the years, … why I use art and playful games instead of endless questions in my work … and how these courses can support you as they have supported me along the road of discovery and recovery
My thoughts on Self-discovery and Self-expression
My convictions
Gondolataim a félelemről …
Exposé – short story of how art became my tool for discovery and recovery
Dealing with traumas and pain thru art
Looking back on my life experiences … how others’ ‘pain became my experience …
Article on choices we make in relation to what happens in the world
The Polymath
What do I actually do?
My story – a short into to my life and how I became a polymath…
Me, the coach
Revamp Coaching
Coaching for you
The Consultant Coach
What it is like doing Coaching with me
Miről szólnak a csoportfoglalkozások, amiket tartok …