“Creating Your Best Year Yet”
Saturday 7th January, 2023 10am-2pm
£15 (£10 concession) per person, online or in person, Daily Word headquarters, Taplow, UK
Start the year with a fun and joyful programme, using pictures, affirmations and meditations that affirm your goals and reflect your dreams.
With gratitude, we will learn from the previous year, to make space for the new to come.
A vision board is a physical collection of items such as pictures, magazine clippings, words, and quotes (and drawings in my case – see below!) that visually affirm your goals and dreams.
Vision boards work because what you focus on expands.
VISON BOARDING – creating a vision board – is a meditative and reflective process that will help you celebrate the past year and envision the new one. With a set of carefully selected questions, meditations and reflective exercises, the VISION BOARDING workshop will help you design a great year for yourself.
During the first half of the workshop we will reflect on and release, the past year in order to create space for new blessings and enrichment, making space for new ideas to present themselves through our connection to the Divine.
During the second part of workshop we will do visualisations to bring forth your vision for the new year. Finally, we will affirm the good to come by putting our visions on paper. We will act upon what we have learnt and use our creative power to create our vision boards using different art forms. We will focus on tools of your spiritual practice that will support you to have a great year.
During the workshop you will be visualising, planning and preparing to get the most out of the new year.
How does it work?
It turns out putting your goals on paper in this type of visual format can actually help you achieve them. And there is plenty of research to back it up.
Have you heard of the power of visualization? Visualization is a mindtool, a simple technique that you can use to create a strong mental image of a future event. It is a little bit like a ‘re-run’. As you visualize the best outcomes you are setting yourself up for great experiences and build your confidence in achieving them. It is the opposite of negative-self-talk. According to Psychology Today, mental practices (like visualization) can increase motivation, confidence, and even motor performance. In fact, in one study, researchers found that, in athletes, visualization was almost as effective as physical practice.
What you will need
MATERIALS (If you are attending in person, please come prepared, we will not be able to provide you with pictures for your board. Thank you for your understanding.)
• Poster board/CARDBOARD/A3 OR A2 size
• Magazines – any magazines, coloured newspaper, fliers, etc
• Additional images and words (optional), from artworks, old books, or printed from the internet
• Scissors, glue sticks, ruler, eraser, sharpener, etc.
• Paper and pen (for writing)
• Art supplies (optional), such as Sharpies,, coloured pencils, pencils, paint, glitter, or sequins
APPLICATION (if you are joining us via ZOOM)
PADLET (click) – https://padlet.com/
*Please sign up to PADLET, it is free.
UPON REGISTRATION you will receive an email from the facilitator with further instructions.
All pictures are from UNSPLASH (click)