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I educate people about themselves. I support you to
- discover who you are and what you want
- let go of who you are not (self-deceit, misunderstandings, limiting beliefs).
- form a loving connection with yourself (embracing who you are)
I enable people to gain insights, expand and flourish on the different surfaces (courses, workshops, seminars, educational settings) I create. I’d like to see more loving connections in the world via people gaining greater awareness of their wholesomeness and as a result, developing compassion for one another.
I tailor my programs to the needs of the participants because I ‘walk the talk’ with them. My programs are playful, interactive, and adventurous. I use coaching, therapeutic-art and meditative tools in my courses.
Who is my audience?
People, who want to evolve and develop themselves with commitment. People who enjoy using a combination of interactive games, meditative practises, knowledge sharing and art as forms of learning.
What do I actually do?
I run different types of courses in collaboration with various partners.
When you come with an open heart, you will have magical experiences!
The happiest is the one who is aligned with oneself in his/her every deeds. Life that is lived to the fullest is the only one worth living. (ik)
I have about 20 odd years of experience in different educational and developmental settings in various parts of the world, especially in Europe. I have also acted as a coach for both children and adults for over 15 years now. I run my own self-designed courses sharing my knowledge and experience in the fields of personal development, therapeutic art, creativity and creative self-expression as an educator and coach with all those who wish to improve their own life experience and/or provide support to children or colleagues. I am also an accomplished artist and musician who uses her love for art and music in her work as a coach/trainer.
My story
I am a modern polymath. Throughout my life I have worked in many capacities. They varied out of need or out of curiosity. Though, I originally studied economics in high school, my first job was a cashier at a green grocer’s. Oh, happy days! 🙂 Then I worked as a hotel clerk until I went to Uni where I studied TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language). During Uni, I mostly worked as a teacher and as an English language voice over artist. In 1996 I left my hometown for the Big Apple where I worked as a waitress and a bartender among many other jobs. After having moved to the UK in the late 1990’s, I mostly worked as a teacher in various schools. In the meantime I studied to become a trainer and coach. In 2004, I returned to Hungary where I run a non-profit organisation. We created developmental seminars and workshops in collaboration with a UK based training company. In the meantime, I also worked as a coach, an HR consultant and a Talent Assessor for different intentional companies. I also created an Educational-Coaching Program for the educational triangle: Students, Teachers and Parents.
Around 2013 I started to focus on my artworks and art related projects such as creativity and art workshops for all ages. I created the ‘SailFarm’ Creative Writing Project that intends to support children to learn English in a more creative and interactive way. I also set up a new company called Spirit’n Art that aims to develop and create ecologically sustainable products infused with my own artistic creations. Since ecology and art are not particularly lucrative businesses until you are a ‘star’, I worked in different odd jobs in order to sustain myself; I worked as a carer, a supply teacher, an EFL teacher, a translator, an interpreter, whatever was available. In the meantime, I also studied to become a non-denominational minister.
Around the late 2018, I realised that I could combine my two passions: Art&Coaching/Training. At first I created workshops for educators such as Creative Leadership 101 and 102 and Creative Storytelling in the classroom. Then, I learnt how to use Therapeutic Art Coaching tools in my coaching practise. Eventually, I set up a new venture called Revamp Coaching and started running self-tailored workshops and individual coaching sessions.
Everything I have done until now has contributed to who I am today and what I can offer to my clients.
The Coach
There are many coaches out there. I don’t claim to be the ultimate one. I integrated all I have learnt and experienced in my life into my work. Drawing from these, I can offer a wide spectrum of possibilities when working with clients. What I can offer is my full attention to you and to your life. I care. I can support you to find what ticks you, what inspires you, what gets you out of bed. I promise to support you to find your IKIGAI or ‘your reason for being’ and how to turn that passion into a way of living. You will walk the journey yourself. But I will walk it with you. Thank you for trusting me with guiding you on your journey.
As a philanthropist, I have supported various causes related to children. I helped fundraising for various Coins-for-Kids Programs in numerous countries in order to support children living in Orphanages.
If you wish to read about the various programs I run in collaboration with others in different parts of the world, and the products I created, all under the brand name Spirit’n Art Works™ , please visit the MAIN PAGE of my website and find the links under PROJECTS. To see my artwork click on ARTWORK, also on the MAIN PAGE.

My convictions
Creativity is life Itself. It is the way we discover ourselves, the depth of who we truly are and it is also the tool through which we express our uniqueness in the world. Creativity is a way of being. A creative person is adaptable, resilient, bold, self-aware and more. Creativity equals freedom, freedom of choice; the choice of who I want to become. Creativity is not only for those with an artistic vein. We are all creative in some way or another. Moreover, we are all unique beings who are expressed in most magnificent ways.
Self-Discovery and Self-expression
Upon visiting an old people’s home, I asked elderly people there about their regrets in life. Most of them expressed some sadness over not having found out what really brought them joy and happiness or not having pursued these very things more fully.

You can read more about IKIGAI HERE (CLICK)
The world around us tends to declare who we are, and we senselessly comply with somebody else’s definition of who we are.
It is my personal responsibility to find out who I truly am ‘when nobody’s watching’ and follow my inner calling wherever it may take me. My main job, above all the other roles I play in my life, is to make myself happy.
Welcome to my world!
Please note that all text and pictures on this site and all related sites (see above) are under copy right, under Spirit’n Art Works™
Work is love made visible.
“And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy. For if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half man’s hunger. And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes, your grudge distils a poison in the wine. And if you sing though as angels, and love not the singing, you muffle man’s ears to the voices of the day and the voices of the night.” Khalil Gibran
Carpe diem!