Enneagram Limitations 101

Thoughts on the different ENNEAGRAM Types

Fist of all, I would like to apologize for being ‘harsh’ on us. I meant to be ‘caring’ though it is tough-Love, I know!  All that I am sharing on this page is based on my personal experiences and observations. I am sorry if you find some of my observations upsetting or ‘not nice’. My intention is to demonstrate how these different characters limit the greatness of who we truly are. 

Our defence mechanisms are not ‘nice’ at all even though we may perceive some of them charming or eloquent. Limitation means that you are hiding the greatness of WHO YOU TRULY ARE behind layers of deceit, a persona that was created in response to a scary world when you were a child. Who you are is much greater than your false identity.

I am an ENG8, so I would like to ‘challenge’ you to shed off some layers of your fear based limitations by taking an honest look at your thinking patters and behaviours. So you can become the magnificent human being of who you are at your higher octaves!

Continue reading Enneagram Limitations 101

Enneagram Type3

I love the system of the Enneagram. I have studied numerous typologies but by far this is the most comprehensive and enlightening system I have ever come across. This system has been around for centuries and still rather unknown to mainstream psychologist. I know of many ‘charlatans’ – excuse my judgement – who claim to understand and teach this rather complex system by belittling it to a personality typology similar to the zodiac system. I cannot convey the depth of this amazing system that not only sheds light on your limitations and lessons of your life but also offers amazing resources to both spiritual and personal enrichment. This video below is a great example of how the system works explained brilliantly through film characters. Both enjoyable and enlightening.




Yesterday I watched a film on the life of James Brown, ‘Get on up”. James Brown was an ENG8w7. His life was a sadly great example of an unhealthy ENG8. He was an extraordinary musician. As a man, however, displayed many of the characteristics of a person with unresolved or ‘unhealed’ issues.

He grew up in great poverty and was eventually deserted by both of his parents. He was given to a woman to raise him who run an alcohol den that eventually led him to prison at the age of 17.

Continue reading ENG8

Enneagram in Film characters

This video explains why understanding and using the System of the Enneagram is super helpful in understanding ourselves and others. In my experience, the knowledge of Enneagram provides a colourful and helpful tool to find the way in the labyrinth of understanding and embracing oneself as is.

I have investigated numerous personality typology systems and I found the Enneagram to be the most helpful. This system does not try to put you in a box of a certain type but rather it allows you to explore who you are in your Essence and realize what limits you to live that part of you fully.

Enneagram8 – Female perspective

What is it like to be an ENG8 woman? Watch this fantastic video! Very enlightening!

I am an ENG type8w7. All that is being said in this video I can relate to. As a final note: Yes, I wish that we were seen and appreciated more for our contribution to the world around us rather than our aggressiveness. Please see that when one is aggressive, one feels threatened. Whatever you want me to change into, please have the decency to have it yourself first! 🙂 Just because I am strong and capable it does not mean that I wan to carry the burden of the world on my two shoulders. I am grateful when you chip in and support me. I am happy to support you too! 🙂

ENNEAGRAM thru Cartoon Characters

This post intends to help you to understand the System of the Enneagram and find your character via Cartoon Characters. What fun!!! I personally found it very easy to realize which character I may be just by watching these cartoon figures.
So, which one do you feel dawn to? Or which one repel you? These questions are your guiding lights! 🙂

The Ennagram Personality Types in Cartoon Figures

Type 9 – Baloo from The Jungle Book

* Continue reading ENNEAGRAM thru Cartoon Characters

The System of Enneagram

Well, let’s start with a short introduction to the System of the Enneagram. There are a lot of books about the Enneagram. My favourite is The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Riso+Hudson but I also like the Sacred Enneagram by Christopher L Heuertz. Further down you can find some video examples of ordinary people talking about their own type as well as videos of famous people of different Enneagram Types.

Continue reading The System of Enneagram

The amazing world of Enneagram

These one-word descriptors can be expanded into four-word sets of traits. Keep in mind that these are merely highlights and do not represent the full spectrum of each type.

Type One is principled, purposeful, self-controlled, and perfectionistic.
Type Two is generous, demonstrative, people-pleasing, and possessive.
Type Three is adaptable, excelling, driven, and image-conscious.
Type Four is expressive, dramatic, self-absorbed, and temperamental.
Type Five is perceptive, innovative, secretive, and isolated.
Type Six is engaging, responsible, anxious, and suspicious.
Type Seven is spontaneous, versatile, acquisitive, and scattered.
Type Eight is self-confident, decisive, willful, and confrontational.
Type Nine is receptive, reassuring, complacent, and resigned.

Basic description of the nine Enneagram types CLICK ON THE LINK

The above are the very basic tenets of the nine types of the system of the Enneagram. Each type has its ‘at its best’ and ‘at its worst’ traits. These are the ‘bests’ of each type that make them unique and what we can appreciate about each of them. None of the types are better or worse than the other. We, humans, all have positive and negative personality traits depending on personal preferences and situations.

The system of the Enneagram is unique and helpful because it focuses on us finding our Core that dwells in our Divine nature and supports us to uncover it by gaining awareness of our fear based limitations.

Another kind of Love

Audio version of the text below

WOW! Such an angry man.

He says Brexit will lead the way and allow other EU member countries to leave. He seemed particularly angry with the French and the German. He says The Brits will stop buying French and German products and that will be the end of the French champagne industry. I do not remember what the Brits will stop buying from the Germans. He is a hunter kind of fellow. Though he was born in the outskirts of London, he lives in Scotland.

Though he smiles a lot, he seems so angry all the time.
He says he goes to China twice a year and loves Chinese food which is interesting because he does not seem to like foreigners. He loves his beer and wine. He loves his food, full stop.

He is an Enneagramm 9. A gentle anger-ball.

He seems like someone who was robbed of something early on and as a helpless and powerless reaction he extended this robbery onto a national scale.

He gives the impression of a great Brit of long-ago, an archaic British Empire believer. There is so much violent hatred in him. He is a man who believes in the righteousness of wars. He believes that the Brits deserve special treatment because European fields are full of fallen British soldiers. He is brutally nationalistic, uncompromising and unwavering. He is rigid and unforgiving.

He is actually scary as he finds every opportunity to get angry and prove how ignorant people are. At the same time he seems like a man who is respectful and supportive. He is also rather scattered and absent-minded, probably, because he is constantly busy with being upset with something. He does not seem to be present at all. He can not see what’s in front of him, he is lost in some circle of childhood trauma that prevents him just being. For him, events that occur around him are only there to prove how infantile, incapable and stupid humans are.
I suspect, he is mostly angry with himself but his anger is mostly projected onto others.

Interestingly, even though, I found him rather scary because of him being full of prejudice and unfounded judgement, I felt a lot of compassion for him. I sensed a lot of hidden pain of injustice and peaceless-ness.

There is not much else one can do with this man so full of blind rage but love him! : ) Sadly, though, whenever I meet a person like him there is nothing else I can do but run. My own anger is on the way to any constructive and kind discussions. I shut up and go. I love him from a distance.

NOTE: Though Enneagram type nines are called Peacemakers and mostly considered gentle bear-like creatures, similar to Winnie-the-Pooh, ENG9s are actually rather sulky, angry and resentful creatures. They have a heart of gold. They are protective and supportive friends. At the same time they often feel that they are not appreciated enough. Because they constantly deflect and avoid confrontation at any cost, they often react with sarcasm and with an edge to situations that they feel uncomfortable in.