The Invisible Help

Do you remember the movie called ‘the Legend of Bagger Vance’ released back in 2000? It is one of my favourites!

I re-watched it the hundredth time the other night. I love being reminded of the loving support that (re)appears each time we are lost or unable to move forward. It comes as a gentle push – sometimes not so gentle 🙂 – and only stays until we find our gripping on life again. It reminds us of our own greatness and makes sure that we can manage what were are dealing with at the time. Then it moves back to the invisible, but never ceases to exist.

This is exactly how the Divine Presence operates in our lives. There is a constant movement of Spirit present in different shapes and forms depending on what we need at any given moment. Sometimes it appears as a supportive stranger, sometimes as a newspaper article guiding us to the ‘right’ direction. There are as many examples as many needs. 

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
Matthew 7:7-8 KJV

Sometimes, we do not even need to ask because we do not even know that we are in need, help still arrives. The protagonist in this film has past beyond ‘asking’ because he has given upon himself when Bagger Vance arrives to guide him back to the ‘light’, back to his Life and his Destiny with his witty and wise humour.