Dream vs Experience


In Pixar Animation Studios’ feature film “Soul,” Joe Gardner is a middle-school band teacher whose true passion is playing jazz. A single unexpected step sends him to the cosmic realms where he finds the “You Seminar”—a fantastical place where Joe is forced to think again about what it truly means to have soul.

In Pixar Animation Studios’ feature film “Soul,” Joe Gardner is a middle-school band teacher whose true passion is playing jazz. A single unexpected step sends him to the cosmic realms where he finds the “You Seminar”—a fantastical place where Joe is forced to think again about what it truly means to have soul.

So, I watched the film.. (Must see, by the way!) In my understanding, the film depicts the Soul’s journey into and out of the physical realm as well as shows the kind of choices we make to experience the soul’s journey. Beyond all that, it personally talked to me about Passions and dream. I am not sure that my interstation is what the makers intended. Nevertheless, it made me contemplate on Life, Dreams, Passions, Fulfilment, and the Greater Journey called Life.

This animation reminded me that Life is not meant to be about pursuing dreams and passions but about experiencing the journey. Our Dreams are only signpost of what maybe or what’s possible.

I do not want to suggest that we float though life. I am talking about releasing attachment of what should be. Wishing to express and fully be present to the I AM within is not the same as pursuing a dream.

The Divine Spark within wants to express itself with the help of our EGO self. Often, however, the EGO self takes over and wants to run the show. And when it does, it is never satisfied. Nothing is ever enough. This is when life becomes an endless pursuit of happiness.

Personally, the film was a powerful reminder of how I waste my life away by constantly being fixated on something to ‘get’. My mind is endlessly occupied with what needs to be done. It is locked in the grip of ‘wanting’ and ‘needing’ until it gets what it desires.

In the film, there is a moment when the main character, Joe, says after his most precious dream has just come true: ’ Is that it’?

OMG, countless times have I experienced the same! As soon as I get what I so wanted, it dissipates and in the vacuum immediately a new dream pops up. I can pursue dreams until the cows come home because I have the stamina to do so. I have manifested most of my crazy ideas but sadly in the meantime I have mostly forgotten to just walk the journey. I can be so fixed on the end result that I forget that the journey, the way I get there is much more important than what I get at the end of it.

We are all hooked on a dream or a goal that keeps us busy until we reach. But as soon as we do, we are on to the next dream without noticing the journey, the living, the I AM. Maybe, it is time to stop and remember these great quotes from the film:

Life is full of possibilities. You just need to know where to look. Don’t miss out on the joys of life. Like, uh, Pizza… Get ready, your life is about to start!

Joe Gardner (SOUL)
