The third symbol is Three French Hens
According to my research,
The Three French Hens Stand For Faith, Hope And Love source

French Hens = Faith, Hope & Charity (The theological virtues) or The Gifts of the Magi (Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.)

Some believe that the French hens prove that this song originated in France. The Latin name for France was Gaul, which comes from the Latin word Gallia. This is close to the Roman word for rooster.

In the Christian religion, it is believed that a cock crowed when Christ was born as a sign that “the light of the world” has arrived. This is why, a rooster on a Christian tomb symbolizes the resurrection.

During the 18th century, large, exotic fowl from the Orient were brought back to England. These birds mated with the descendants of the Roman-breed chickens. It is believed that the “three French hens” in the song represent a new breed. White chickens are believed to bring good luck. And, hens are believed to symbolize motherly devotion. source

In the number three and the symbol of a hand I can see a message to embrace our three-fold self. Among many names they are also called: the ego, the self and being or  ‘me, myself and I’. These are the different layers of our personality that we are to live in harmony with in order to have a balanced human existence.

Though the Ego-part maybe over protective and slightly outdated, it is till an important part of our person. No part is to be dismissed.  Looking  at it from an Enneagram point of view, I would say that the Ego is the lower scale of the Enneagram type we are. The Self is the higher octaves, still limited but it expresses the unique qualities of the person. They are mortal. Finally, the Being is that of God. It is a spark of the Whole. It is immortal.

In order to be ready to receive the Teachings in the Holy Spirit that was delivered by Jesus, we must come to alignment with each part of our person and stand united. The three hens remind us to embrace in motherly love all parts of ourselves. Love them as they are for who they are.

Featured image by Alex Clark