Then enter your flow! 🙂
Roger James Hamilton created a system called WEALTH DYNAMICS that helps you recognize which ‘wealth flow’ type you are. Becoming aware of your ‘bests’ and ‘worsts’, the way you naturally work, what comes easily and what you struggle with, will help you greatly find your right place in the world of work.
I am a creator – I prefer using the word: creative – who is usually a visionary and runs twice as much as the rest of her/his team. It can be a great advantage to see the whole picture of the business or any project that I initiate. However, I am always above my head with what we can and cannot actually achieve in any given time frame. My downfalls are that my thinking is complex and I am often impatient.
So, the solution is to learn to delegate. I have initiated and created many businesses over the years, but, similar to Steve Jobs, I have been sacked from most of them. The reason for that was that I was too impatient and eventually I went on everyone nerves with pushing them all the time.
Creative should never enter the office where real work is done! LOL I am not joking! Creators should come up with ideas, get the people who help them create the foundations and then let it all go. It is my greatest challenge but I am learning.
Here is a link to the WEALTHS DYNAMICS (click) website where Roger Hamilton explains the different types and how they can get into their flow, regardless of the type of work they do.
HERE IS THE LINK TO THE TEST where you can check which profile you fit the most.