Day 5

The fifth symbol is The five golden rings

This is what I have found on the ‘five golden rings’:
If you’re a jewelry fan, you’re going to be disappointed to learn that it’s not actually gold rings that are given on day 5. Once again, this is reference to birds and the 5 golden rings are said to represent the gold rings on a pheasant’s neck.
It all begins with the legend of Jason and the Argonauts back in 750 B.C. when they sailed from Thessaly, Greece in search of the “Golden Fleece”. During this epic journey, they landed in Phalis, acquiring not only the sorceress, Medea, but also a lot of golden birds. The Greek word phasianornis means “bird of Phasis.” It is believed that this species of ring-necked pheasant are from the sub-species of the infamous “Golden Fleece.” S

“Another interpretation can be that Golden Rings are The Pentateuch or The first 5 books of the Old Testament. Ring also symbolizes eternity.”

“The Golden Fleece caught my attention so I investigated it further. This is what I found. In Greek mythology, the Golden Fleece is the fleece of the gold-haired winged ram, which was held in Colchis. The fleece is a symbol of authority and kingship.” Source

So, my thoughts are that the five rings represent the pheasant feast of the king who has authority.  In terms of teaching, regaining our sense of authority is a must and when it is achieved it deserve a feast. There many of us who  handed their authority over to another person, an organisation or else either upon force or willingly. When you are without your sense of authority and kingship, you don’t drive the boat, it is dragged and you are being pulled by it. I hear many people complain about the way they are treated at work or at home, how they are misunderstood or misinterpreted or even abused. Well, here is some news for you: You may want to start learning to stand up for yourself and regain your own authority; know that you have the right to be he author of your life whatever way you may want to lead it. Access your courage and lead your way!

For me, the symbol of birds always convey the message that I am inherently free.

In my opinion the teaching here is awareness of how we, humans, came about and accepting our divine-mortal nature as well as knowing that were are divine in our birthright.