Openness to Learning

The Openness – to – Discovery Scale

Created by Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D. & Gay Hendricks, Ph.D.

Willingness to learn from each moment — as opposed to defending ourselves by stonewalling, explaining, justifying, withdrawing, blaming — is much more important than factors like IQ, family background, race or degrees. The great advantage of openness-to-learning is that you’re in charge of it at all times: it’s always within your control to shift out of defensiveness into genuine curiosity. Another great advantage: it can’t be faked. You can feel instantly whether you’re genuinely wondering — or clinging to a defence. This scale was designed to help you make more graceful shifts out of defensiveness.

High Openness-to-Discovery
+10 Implementing (planning actions, requesting support for follow-up).
+9 Feeling and showing genuine enthusiasm about the possibilities.
+8 Taking full responsibility for the issue and the results that were created.
+7 Thinking out loud, making new associations about an issue.
+6 Requesting information and examples about an issue.
+5 Listening generously (able to paraphrase other person’s statements without interjecting your point of view)
+4 Expressing appreciation for the messenger and the message, regardless of delivery
+3 Openly wondering about the issue.
+2 Expressing genuine curiosity about the issue.
+1 Demonstrating open posture and body language.
Key transition moves:
Choosing WONDERING over DEFENDING & Committing to LEARN
Low Openness-to-Discovery
– 1 Showing polite interest outwardly while inwardly clinging to your
point of view or rehearsing your rebuttal
– 2 Explaining how the person has misperceived the situation.
– 3 Interpreting what the person is saying as an attack.
– 4 Justifying why you’re the way you are, or why you acted the way you did.
– 5 Going silent, getting edgy or snappy.
– 6 Finding fault with the way the message is delivered.
– 7 Righteous indignation: demanding evidence in a hostile manner.
– 8 Blaming something or someone else.
– 9 Attacking or threatening the messenger, verbally or otherwise.
– 10 Creating an uproar or leaving abruptly.

©2013 The Hendricks Institute 800.688.0772

At this link, a lovely person summarised the great learnings from Dr Gay Hendricks Conscious Living book. Highly recommended!


What is DELENTA?

So, DELENTA is an online coaching platform that has it all. I highly recommend using the platform and finding fantastic coaches there like the Speakers Insight Girls! <3

Coaching as a creative process

For me, coaching/guiding is a creative process of continuous discovering. It is similar to treasure hunting. At every station, you, the client, discover something new about yourself that will point you to the next clue.

It is an exciting and nerve-racking process at the same time. As a coach/guide, I am there with you at every step of the way supporting you to understand what the clue may want to communicate with you and where the next clue may lie ahead. I am walking this creative and exhilarating journey with you.

Originally posted in April, 2020


“True prosperity is not making money or putting out goods or developing prosperity. It is determining what our souls require in order to cause them to unfold more of God (Divine);”

Myrtle Fillmore, Healing Letters, Unity Books

Considered in the broadest sense, prosperity is ‘spiritual wellbeing’. This involves the whole experience of healing life, satisfying love, abiding peace and harmony, as well as a sufficiency (of every good thing).

Paul Hasselbeck, Spiritual Economics

Therefore, prosperity is a state of consciousness.


Well, deep down we all want to get rich so we can do the things that are meaningful to us. Very often though we do not realise that we do not need to do something to pay the bills or win the lottery to free up time for the things that we love doing.

According to Roger Hamilton (Wealth Dynamics & GeniusU), we all have an innate and natural way to do things that not only pleases us but when we are in the ‘flow’, it generate wealth for us, too.

In this early video Roger explains what the 9 types are and explains how you can recognise which one is your type. In case you are not sure about your type, on his website you can do a test that reveals your type. CLICK

During the THERAPEUTIC ART ENRICHMENT GROUP PROGRAM we investigate our Wealth Dynamic Profile and create an action plan around it. The Program will support you to take ACTIVE steps toward finding and creating meaningful and fulfilling work activities for yourself

My thoughts on IKIGAI, the reason for being (LINK CLICK)




  • Gain deeper awareness of yourself – your thoughts and behavioural patterns that may or may not be supporting you in living the life you wish for yourself.
  • Become aware of your strengths, unique abilities, and your true interests, as well as some of your hindering patterns.
  • Discover your Essence – the core of who you are. Building on that, we enquire about your passion, purpose and true vocation.
  • Step towards your dreams using the supportive power of the group.

My thoughts on IKIGAI

My country of origin was under communist leaderships for about 50 years. After the ‘bloodless revolution’ in 1989, people became free to chose what to do with their lives. However, the decades of ‘socialistic parenting’ resulted in people having no idea how to make well-founded and mature choices about their lives any more.

‘COMMON SCHEMES’ is the expression I would use to describe how majority of people chose professions and build businesses in the country. There are only two ways to chose a profession here – either to create a fashionable lucrative business or to become an ‘agent’ at the customer service department of one of the many international companies.

What is IKIGAI?


Finding our path to generating wealth is not about knowing how to generate money but finding out who we are and how to follow the right path for out ‘type’.

Wealth Dynamics Profiles show us what direction to take. Finding our IKIGAI helpS us follow that direction with focus and clarity on what our mission.

To get a jumpstart, we look at our IKIGAI clusters and ask ourselves the question: ‘What is no longer relevant?’

With this question we weed out ideas that hinder us: we are often attached to some ideas of what we want to do with our lives, what kind of job we want to do. These attachments are often based on our upbringing or more often than not on the way we see ourselves. These two attachments are deep traps that hinder our finding our our IKIGAI.

An ever deepening self-knowledge is key for realizing your IKIGAI.

(Originally written in May, 2020)





Yesterday I watched a film on the life of James Brown, ‘Get on up”. James Brown was an ENG8w7. His life was a sadly great example of an unhealthy ENG8. He was an extraordinary musician. As a man, however, displayed many of the characteristics of a person with unresolved or ‘unhealed’ issues.

He grew up in great poverty and was eventually deserted by both of his parents. He was given to a woman to raise him who run an alcohol den that eventually led him to prison at the age of 17.

Continue reading ENG8

Easter Rebirth



The origin of Easter is rooted in an ancient pagan tradition, the celebration of the goddess, Eostre, who heralded the beginning of spring. While the name “Easter” is used in the English-speaking world, many cultures refer to it as “Passover” or “Pascha”. Early Christians chose to celebrate the resurrection of Christ around the time of Passover because Jesus died during the Passover festival and his followers believed he was resurrected from the dead three days later. So. it was logical to commemorate these events in close proximity.

More importantly, however,

each of these traditions is rooted in a story of OVERCOMING and BECOMING.

These stores depict the overcoming of ‘exile’ or ‘death’ and of being renewed. And this is the key. Resurrection (according to the Christian tradition) is a time of renewal and becoming of Spirit. So, as we approach the Easter festivities,

we are asked to contemplate on blossoming and becoming of the ‘I AM’.

Very truly, I tell you , the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these

John 14:12, NIV

Continue reading Easter Rebirth

Would you like to be successful?

Then enter your flow! 🙂

Roger James Hamilton created a system called WEALTH DYNAMICS that helps you recognize which ‘wealth flow’ type you are. Becoming aware of your ‘bests’ and ‘worsts’, the way you naturally work, what comes easily and what you struggle with, will help you greatly find your right place in the world of work.

I am a creator – I prefer using the word: creative – who is usually a visionary and runs twice as much as the rest of her/his team. It can be a great advantage to see the whole picture of the business or any project that I initiate. However, I am always above my head with what we can and cannot actually achieve in any given time frame. My downfalls are that my thinking is complex and I am often impatient.

So, the solution is to learn to delegate. I have initiated and created many businesses over the years, but, similar to Steve Jobs, I have been sacked from most of them. The reason for that was that I was too impatient and eventually I went on everyone nerves with pushing them all the time.

Creative should never enter the office where real work is done! LOL I am not joking! Creators should come up with ideas, get the people who help them create the foundations and then let it all go. It is my greatest challenge but I am learning.

Here is a link to the WEALTHS DYNAMICS (click) website where Roger Hamilton explains the different types and how they can get into their flow, regardless of the type of work they do.

HERE IS THE LINK TO THE TEST where you can check which profile you fit the most.

Enneagram in Film characters

This video explains why understanding and using the System of the Enneagram is super helpful in understanding ourselves and others. In my experience, the knowledge of Enneagram provides a colourful and helpful tool to find the way in the labyrinth of understanding and embracing oneself as is.

I have investigated numerous personality typology systems and I found the Enneagram to be the most helpful. This system does not try to put you in a box of a certain type but rather it allows you to explore who you are in your Essence and realize what limits you to live that part of you fully.

Enneagram8 – Female perspective

What is it like to be an ENG8 woman? Watch this fantastic video! Very enlightening!

I am an ENG type8w7. All that is being said in this video I can relate to. As a final note: Yes, I wish that we were seen and appreciated more for our contribution to the world around us rather than our aggressiveness. Please see that when one is aggressive, one feels threatened. Whatever you want me to change into, please have the decency to have it yourself first! 🙂 Just because I am strong and capable it does not mean that I wan to carry the burden of the world on my two shoulders. I am grateful when you chip in and support me. I am happy to support you too! 🙂