There is a scene in the film where one of the protagonists decides to let of the resentment she feels towards her mother. She makes it a ritual with her mum present. She releases balloons, that represent her feelings, into the air and says good-bye to them. It is pretty awesome!
So, have you ever wondered why it is so difficult to let go? With me, it is that I feel greatly invested. When it is time to let go, be it an object, a person, a concept or belief, I feel that I am tearing a part of me off and saying good-bye to it. The the result of letting-go is more Freedom – which is super great! But the process of letting go is often torturous! I realized that every time I need to say good-bye to something that has been part of me for a long time, I need to grieve it.
It is not by accident that we make such a fuss of burying our dead. It is a ritual of letting go.